Oh, start the loving cup around,
Nor pass a brother by;
We all drink from the same canteen
In Beta Theta Pi.
Oh, you and I can neer grow old
While this fair cup is nigh;
Heres life and strength,
Heres health and wealth,
Heres all in Phi-Kai-Phi.
Oh, start the loving cup around,
It speaks of other days;
We see the milestones backward run
When on this cup we gaze.
Our grip grows strong,
Bold comes our song
When this fair cup we raise,
So pass the loving cup around
And drink in Betas praise.
Oh, start the loving cup around,
It holds a something clear,
Tis brimming with a potion that
Will fill you with good cheer.
Come drink with me
And bid your ills
Forth-with to disappear;
Well never in this world let fall
The cup we all hold here.