Psi Diamond Association In August of last year, we reported on the end of our long strange trip, from our concerted effort to raise the level of financial responsibility and academic performance among the then-active chapter, which began in March 2000, to the decision we made to close the House in February 2003. At that time we said we were temporarily suspending the official existence of Psi Chapter, [as of] the second week of February 2003. Well, I am very proud to announce that as a result of the efforts of the Psi alumni, Bethany College and Beta Theta Pi General Fraternity, we have been offered an accelerated re-colonization schedule. We were given the mandate that Psi Chapter could re-colonize by recruiting in February 2006, repairing and updating the House in the Spring of 06, and re-opening the Chapter House in Fall 06. The following conditions were attached. Make a decision regarding the ideal re-colonization semester for the 2005-2006 academic year by March 1, 2005 and communicate this to Miami. This has been done! David Rae, Director of Expansion and Recruitment at Beta Theta Pi has said, Psi is very well ahead of schedule at this time and there are no concerns with [the General Fraternity]. Enter into The Men of Principle Re-colonization Partnership Agreement as detailed by the General Fraternity in its Re-colonization Manual. This will be executed in a ceremony at Spring/Alumni Weekend. Accumulate a Psi Chapter fund balance of $10,000.00 for general re-colonization expenses and $1,000.00 toward Recruitment Through Scholarship awards that will be utilized in the re-colonization process, and affirm a commitment to annually fund a full delegation of participants to experiential leadership opportunities (i.e. the Institute for Men of Principle, Beta Wilderness Challenge, UIFI). Our first target, which enables us to commit to re-colonization by March 1 has been achieved. We need continued donations to repair, improve, and support the Chapter House through move-in in fall 2006 when we will begin to collect rents. Provide the Housing and Internet capabilities on campus to support the three-man expansion team from Oxford for 22 days of recruitment as well as the colony educator during the seven-week colony education period. Assemble an advisory team consisting of a minimum of five trained advisors, with some Brothers willing to assist the team leaders, the team being comprised of members that are not officers of the Psi Diamond Association/House Corporation in the following positions; this is already happening:
Exhibit, by doing all of the above and whatever is reasonably necessary, an alumni brotherhood that completely supports the Mission, Vision and Goals of the Men of Principle Initiative and is committed to an undergraduate experience that promotes living the Principles and Obligations of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. As you can see, both the fund raising side and the participation end are going very well. The word spread at Homecoming has resulted in a significant push. But obviously, we need more help and cash to support re-colonization and to repair, improve, and support the Chapter House. A list of contributors from last year is attached. Please join this years list! A self-addressed envelope is included. The stamp is part of your donation. Your response to this letter as it relates to finding willing and able volunteers to fill the advisory team assisting positions, or to take on a role on the Psi Diamond or House Corp., or to simply write a check, will dictate whether we can meet Miamis model. I personally have made a tentative decision. Assuming that a suitable replacement steps forward in the next few months, I plan to resign after five years as President of Psi Diamond. When I assumed this role, my belief was that two or three years would be the proper length of service. My moving on will allow for new blood and will give me the chance to fill a role that I believe to be very critical and potentially extremely rewarding, as Recruitment Advisor for the Advisory Team. I would love for someone from the general membership to step up and succeed me. Weve been working for five years to get to this point. Help us achieve the goal of bringing Psi Chapter back to Bethany and back to the rolls of BETA THETA PI. ---kai---, Deno |